On Tuesday, December 3, 2024, a grand event was hosted at the luxurious 3BK venue of the Armani Hotel, located in the iconic Burj Khalifa, to commemorate the 53rd National Day of the United Arab Emirates. This exclusive evening was graced by the presence of Dr. Mickael Mosse, CEO of My NEO Group and Sheikh Al Maktoum NEO Technologies, who presided over the event alongside HH Sheikh Maktoum Abdul Hakim Al Maktoum, a prominent member of the Dubai Royal Family, and His Excellency Yaqoob Al Ali.

Adding to the evening’s significance was the participation of 12 of South Korea’s most influential corporations, making this a unique celebration of UAE-South Korea collaboration and unity.

A Night of Diplomacy and Business Vision

The event was not just a celebration of the UAE’s national pride; it was also a platform for strengthening international business ties. Dr. Mickael Mosse, known for his visionary leadership in fintech, AI, and blockchain, engaged in meaningful discussions with South Korean representatives, exploring avenues for potential commercial collaborations between Dubai and South Korea.

Key sectors discussed during the evening included:

Technology and Innovation: Leveraging Dubai’s role as a global tech hub to support South Korean advancements in AI, robotics, and smart solutions.

Trade and Investment: Exploring opportunities for mutual investments in key industries to enhance economic growth in both regions.

Sustainable Development: Discussing strategies to align with global sustainability goals through innovative solutions in energy, infrastructure, and transportation.

Dr. Mosse highlighted the importance of fostering relationships with international businesses to further Dubai’s position as a global leader in innovation and economic prosperity.

Distinguished Guests and Their Roles

The event brought together some of the most respected figures in the UAE and South Korea:

HH Sheikh Maktoum Abdul Hakim Al Maktoum: Representing the Dubai Royal Family, his presence underscored the UAE’s commitment to strengthening diplomatic and economic ties with international partners.

His Excellency Yaqoob Al Ali: As Executive Chairman of the Al Ali Group of Companies, he emphasized the role of UAE enterprises in fostering cross-border collaborations.

12 South Korean Companies: Leaders from various sectors including technology, finance, and infrastructure joined to explore partnerships and celebrate the UAE’s achievements.

Armani Hotel: A Fitting Venue for a Historic Celebration

The Armani Hotel, located within the iconic Burj Khalifa, provided an elegant and sophisticated backdrop for the evening. Its reputation for luxury and excellence mirrored the significance of the occasion, making it the perfect venue to host such a distinguished gathering.

Looking Ahead: Strengthening UAE-South Korea Ties

The evening not only celebrated the UAE’s rich heritage and remarkable achievements over the past 53 years but also highlighted its forward-thinking approach to global collaboration. The discussions held during this event pave the way for stronger partnerships between the UAE and South Korea in key areas of mutual interest.

Dr. Mickael Mosse’s active engagement with South Korean leaders reflects his dedication to fostering meaningful relationships and advancing My NEO Group’s and Sheikh Al Maktoum NEO Technologies’ mission of driving innovation and growth on a global scale.


As the UAE continues to celebrate its progress and unity, events like this one at the Armani Hotel serve as a reminder of the nation’s commitment to fostering international partnerships and maintaining its position as a global hub for innovation and opportunity.

For more updates on My NEO Group and Sheikh Al Maktoum NEO Technologies, visit: https://almaktoumneo.com

#MickaelMosse #UAE53 #NationalDay #Innovation #DubaiBusiness #SouthKorea #ArmaniHotel #GlobalPartnerships